Over the years, the percentage of desktop sessions on our very own onwravens website has gone down 24% since the year 2013, all the while he percentage of mobile sessions has gone up about 20%, so as you can see, mobile browsers are being used more heavily, and is beginning to overthrow desktop.
Bounce rate
Bounce rate is the rate at which people enter a site, and leave without visiting other pages on the site, this is most used to determine a websites effectiveness, and appeal of a website. on the onwravens site the bounce rate has gone up only about 1% over the past 2 years, it can be estimated that the bounce rate is rising along with the percentage of mobile sessions.
Above this text is a chart made in 2010 to try to predict what mobile and desktop user statistics in 2015, and while it's not exactly correct, it is vaguely right in its predictions.