
Friday, December 12, 2014


 These are my 3 postcards, as you can see, these have to do with my interests, some are stronger than others, I created 2 with my name, 1 scenery, and 1 of the things I love. Now the other, this post card is about my favorite character ever created, Phoenix Wright, as you can see Phoenix is VERY important to me, and I love him. I made it because its winter, and that reminds me 
of valentines day, and he will forever be my valentine :). With rest of the bunch, I just used my name, and used a number of clipping masks to input some of my favorite things. And with the scenery card, I really like how the image looks, and I can relate to it, because i think it represents me.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

creative spheres

These are my 2 creative spheres, the top was in illustrator, the bottom was in photoshop. for the beach ball, i used the 3d tool and for the orb on the bottom I primarily highlighted the gradient tool, the draw attention to the colors, and styles. For the 3d ball, I had to map a string of colors onto a 3d shape, getting around it is hard at first, but when you do it a lot, you get used to it and are able to avoid most of the mistakes you made in the first run, but I made sure to do it a few times, and I got the hang of it. As for the gradient ball, I was focused on practicing my gradient skill and finding out new color combinations, I also got the hang of the radial gradient, and placing it, as for the plain in the background. I feel these 2 balls represent the differenced and similarities between the programs Photoshop, and Illustrator. As you can see they both have radial gradients to add a lighting affect, and they both involve trying to get the surface onto the object itself. However, In Photoshop, I made the ball 2d, but with a 3d-ish feel by adding the light, and with the Illustrator ball, it was more focused on giving the ball a surface and texture. These balls are the bridge between 2 useful programs.

Real or Hoax?

What was the project 

For this project, we had to dispel those nasty rumors floating on the internet through HTML. Before we started this project, we had to make the bare bones for the page layout, it looks like a more dull version of what you're seeing. And before we put in our content we had to create a color scheme through a website called colorschemedesigner, make sure it fits, then implement the colors to our website accordingly. Creating this took time, putting the content in its right place was difficult, and making sure I found everything was even harder because I missed a few things on my first try!

What exactly did I learn

 Throughout this project, I learned about embedding youtube links, I got to sharpen my skills on making a sidebar, and I got better at creating color schemes and figured out how to enter a date that will stay updated and got better at creating a menu and keeping track of 6 different pages. I also made an unordered list through code(which I have already learned before, but this was a good refresher!).

Final thoughts and feelings

  If I were to to this all over again, I would probably just change the color scheme, or I might change the font in some areas, but really that's it, I'm very proud and happy of how this turned out overall! Now the things I would do the same is I would probably stay in some similar area in regards of the color scheme, I would definitely keep my layout, the way I did things, and that doesn't leave anything else. I would say my biggest takeaway from this project would be creating and appropriately inputting my color scheme, I really liked doing that and I think It'll definitely come in handy in my other projects to come! Overall Im very happy with how this turned out, and I think that what I learned from this will most definitely be a skill I can utilize in any project I work on!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

red sphere

 These are my 2 red spheres. My work flow involved thinking of a red sphere in real life, like a gumball. When I was doing this, I was thinking of the simplistic idea of the sphere. This sphere represents the prefect beauty in ordinary things. I love how they turned out, I think they look perfectly, and beautifully normal. On the Illustrator ball(top) I showed my process all throughout the tutorial by Keeping the gradient we used in the beginning, and I finally finished it off with my name in my typeface(Archer Hairline). The Photoshop sphere(bottom) was one that wasn't as complicated, but it holds the grainy feeling of an old picture.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Logo!

 This is my logo, and those sketches are the creative process involved! I finally decided to try as hard as I can and involve my pixel art skills, and try to involve my love for video games!!! This design took inspiration from the score flag in the old arcade game, Rally-X! I really like the design, so I based my logo off of it, by changing the S to an M, for Michael! In my sketches, I wanted to involve my initials somehow, or do something creative and new with the letter M. At some point in my sketches, I thought I could just do something with my full name, Michael, but I decided to go back to just my initials, because incorporating those 2 letters into my logo design would be so easy. Near the end, I wanted to do something with a flag, because I just really like how flags look, and
            how they use the shape of the triangle so well. Throughout this                     project, I perfected my pixel art skills, although, I guess I would've             changed the way I executed it in Illustrator, the way I did it took a               bit longer than it should have! My finalized Sketches was when I was perfecting my design, and as you can see I tried many different things, but in the end decided to keep it simple. I'm very happy with my personal logo and how it expresses me!

My Bio Page

 This is my Bio Page, as you can see they contain both information about myself, and some of my favorite links. As you can see This contains Contrast because the link text color is olive green, which is across from red on the color wheel, and Alignment because each subject is on the left, and Repetition because of the bold text which exemplify the subjects, and the links are all the same color, and Proximity because each subject heading is equally spaced, and the picture of me fits nicely. That is how I used CARP in my Bio project. Now for making the background image, I used the clone stamp to take away the definition of certain parts so no part is that different from another, I chose a nice, light salmon because it was easy on the eyes, and it went well with how the image looked. In the making of this project, it was a bit challenging to adapt to each problem as it came, like how on my links page my image wasn't working properly because i didn't
realize it was outside of my div, and also how I tried to get my link colors working! I feel like the image of myself is a bit sloppy, but thats because it took me 3 tries to get it done! I feel I did a good job on my links, and my background image, I love the colors and how they aren't super straining on the eyes.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My name

This is my Name in Illustrator, I used a quick, easy, beginners tutorial on how to make your name have the look of a shadow. You can now make any word look like it's on a modern billboard!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Personal piece

This is my personal project. To make this i used a tutorial on how to make pixel art in illustrator, all you do is make a shape, then a grid, then you enable the live paint bucket tool, and fill in each square with a color. This one is pretty basic and not all that high in resolution, this is about the resolution of an old arcade game, like pac-man. I really like pixel art, and how interesting.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Google Logo

This logo is Google's newest, and most recent logo. As you can see it is simplistic, like most logo's today. The colors are simple, and it brings a modern touch to a traditional feeling. the old google logo had a shadow, and a point of light, this one does not have those, this one only has pure, simple colors. They still kept the general shape, but didn't have the general exclamation of the original google logo. This logo was inspired by the trending look of simplicity.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Typeface Archer Hairline

Emotional, understated, progressive, disciplined, these are the 4 words that describe me and my font. Archer Hairline is simple, understated, and still it's flashy and graceful. It looks like it's used in elementary schools for small children practicing their first letters. I think this font emphasizes new beginnings, and celebrates youth. I think this express' me because I'm very emotional, but I stick to the rules, and make sure I do what I need to, and finish on time!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Pencils and rain!

I really think these reflects how i feel in my mind sometimes. I may feel clouded and sad at times, but i have an umbrella and i feel unique, then the sun lights up my brain  My 3 big take-aways are that; 1. I know how to utilize the live paint bucket tool 2. I learned the differences between the gradient tool in photoshop and the one in illustrator, and how to use it 3. I learned very useful shortcuts, such as option-click to clone, and v for the select tool, and command-G to group, etc., etc.

Friday, August 22, 2014

What is graphic design?

Graphic design is a mode of artistic expression, and advertisement. Graphic design is something to channel out what I'm thinking about, and just something fun to do in free time! Graphic design is mostly used for advertising your product and try to get people to buy it. You try to make someone feel something, something that will make them want to buy it, to comfort themselves. Graphic design is the perfect outlet for creative thoughts.

Color wheel

For this project i was still learning the fundamentals and basic tools of illustrator, like the cursor, and how to use the polygon tool and how to make an oval into a circle, and how to make a hexagon into a triangle. The most important part was the colors, of course! I learned the importance of colors, and how to fill and stroke are different! This was a great introduction project for Illustrator, I'm really excited to use it throughout the year!
