
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Bio Page

 This is my Bio Page, as you can see they contain both information about myself, and some of my favorite links. As you can see This contains Contrast because the link text color is olive green, which is across from red on the color wheel, and Alignment because each subject is on the left, and Repetition because of the bold text which exemplify the subjects, and the links are all the same color, and Proximity because each subject heading is equally spaced, and the picture of me fits nicely. That is how I used CARP in my Bio project. Now for making the background image, I used the clone stamp to take away the definition of certain parts so no part is that different from another, I chose a nice, light salmon because it was easy on the eyes, and it went well with how the image looked. In the making of this project, it was a bit challenging to adapt to each problem as it came, like how on my links page my image wasn't working properly because i didn't
realize it was outside of my div, and also how I tried to get my link colors working! I feel like the image of myself is a bit sloppy, but thats because it took me 3 tries to get it done! I feel I did a good job on my links, and my background image, I love the colors and how they aren't super straining on the eyes.

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