Creating My Logo
As you can see from my sketches, I immediately chose yellow to be the base color for the logo, and I had blue be the complimenting color. I wanted to base the actual design of of the letter M, being the first letter in my first name. So at first, I went with a crown design, and making 2 diamond shape holes that would be negative space. My next idea was to make a flag on a pole, by turning the M upside-down, and having the letter P, the first letter of my lat name, be featured as the symbol of the flag. For my final design, I stepped away from the idea of basing the design around my name, and I put a small yellow flag on the top of a hill, with a green gradient representing land. Although in the end I chose to go with the crown, I came close to choosing the small hill design, it was nice, simple, and looked cute, though I felt there were too many colors when you add the brown for the flagpole, and the green to represent the land. As for the other flag design, I didn't go with it because the upside-down M wouldn't be noticed, and it would end up looking like a weird flag with a P on it.
The Ultimate Choice
I ultimately chose the sketch up the hill, and crown based designs in Illustrator, and would choose from there, I also slightly altered the designs, like making the gems in the crown blue, making the flag a bit taller, and making the border on the hill green to fit in better. In the end, I chose the crown to represent my brand since it was small, not too wide, not too tall, and could be easily shrunk and expanded. My problems with the hill design was that it felt too big for what it was, and it was too wide to shrink or expend to put on a business card, or banner. I think this final decision for the Crown logo was a well thought out choice that definitely helped me in the end.
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